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Synopsis: cyanajob [option] macro parameters

The cyanajob shell script starts CYANA to execute the given macro as batch or background job. The macro name can be given with or without the .cya extension. The cyanajob script is the preferred way to start a parallel CYANA calculation. For interactive use, CYANA is started through the cyana script.

The cyanajob command can only be invoked from the Unix shell. The command syntax follows Unix (not INCLAN) conventions.

The cyanajob script is machine-dependent and must be adapted to the particular application environment. The machine-dependent default values of the following options can be inspected by using the -h option.


 -h            help
 -a file   start job only after file exists
 -j name   job name (default: macro)
 -n nproc  number of processors
 -o options  options for the CYANA program
 -p program  name of the CYANA start script (default: cyana)
 -q queue  batch queue
 -s command  submit command
 -S            run CYANA in safe (restriced) mode

Frequently used options are -n to set the number of processors used in parallel, -p to specify the command by which CYANA is started (e.g. if several different versions of the program are installed on the system), and -q to choose a certain batch queue.

See also