- Parameters: thigh=real (default: 8.0)
- steps=integer (default: 10000)
- highsteps=integer (default: -1)
- minsteps=integer (default: 1000)
- relax
- Performs simulated annealing on the current structure with a total of N MD
- steps, starting with Nhigh MD steps at temperature Thigh followed by slow
- cooling during N - Nhigh MD steps to a final temperature of Tend. Finally,
- n steps of conjugate gradient minimization are added. The temperature is
- measured in target function units per degree of freedom. Optionally, more
- minimization can be performed in order to relax strong overlaps and
- restraint violations prior to the start of the MD calculation. The relax
- option can be useful for larger (above 200 residues) proteins if otherwise
- the maximal length of the pair list would be exceeded.
var echo lev step i mr t0 t v ahigh aend it steps1 steps2 steps3
syntax $macro:thigh=0.0@r=8.0 steps=@i=10000 highsteps=@i=-1 minsteps=@i=1000 relax
echo:=off t0=cputime if ( highsteps=steps/5
- initialize rdc force constants
if (rdc_vts_on 2) rdc_vts_on=-1 if (rdc_vas1_on 2) rdc_vas1_on=-1 if (rdc_vas2_on 2) rdc_vas2_on=-1 if (pcs_ws_on 2) pcs_ws_on=-1
- Minimization to remove strong overlaps
atom set HYDROGEN radius=-1.0 info=none atom set HEAVY radius=radius-0.2 info=none atom set HBOUND radius=radius+0.15 info=none weight_vdw=0.5 aco_type=2 mr=rnum(nr)-rnum(1) if (relax) then
lev:=1,3,10,20,50,100,150,200,300,600,1000,2000,100000 do i 2 length(lev) if (lev(i) break minimize 100 level=lev(i-1) end do
minimize 100 level=3
end if level=mr minimize 100
i=$val(structure,0) if ( seed=17453+17*i v=50
tmed=thigh*0.05 ahigh=0.005; aend=0.0001
- amed=(aend/ahigh)**(1.0/3.0)
- print "$ahigh , $amed , $aend"
steps3=200 steps1=nint((steps-steps3)*0.33) steps2=steps-steps1-steps3
- print "$steps1 + $steps2 + $steps3 = $steps"
if (steps1.le.100 .or. steps2.le.100) error "Not enough timesteps."
- First simulated annealing stage
step=0.02 t=real(highsteps)/steps md steps=steps1 \
temperature=min(thigh,(thigh-tmed)*(1.0-(s-t)/(1.0-t))**4+tmed) \ accuracy=ahigh \ dt=step tau=20.0 angdev=36000.0 vdwupdate=v nprint=steps/20
- Second simulated annealing stage
atom set HEAVY radius=* info=none minimize 50 step=0.5*timestep t=0.67
if (rdc_vts_on 2) rdc_vts_on=1 if (rdc_vas1_on 2) rdc_vas1_on=1
- if (rdc_vas2_on 2) rdc_vas2_on=1
if (pcs_ws_on 2) pcs_ws_on=1 md steps=steps2/2 \
temperature=tmed*(1.0-s*t)**4 \ accuracy=ahigh*(aend/ahigh)**(s*t) \ dt=step tau=20.0 angdev=36000.0 vdwupdate=v nprint=steps/20 continue
if (pcs_ws_on 2) pcs_ws_on=0 if (rdc_vts_on 2) rdc_vts_on=0 if (rdc_vas1_on 2) rdc_vas1_on=0
- if (rdc_vas2_on 2) rdc_vas2_on=0
atom set * radius=* info=none
minimize 50
if (rdc_vas2_on 2) rdc_vas2_on=1 md steps=steps2/2 \
temperature=tmed*(1.0-(t+s*(1-t)))**4 \ accuracy=ahigh*(aend/ahigh)**(t+s*(1-t)) \ dt=step tau=20.0 angdev=36000.0 vdwupdate=v nprint=steps/20 continue
if (rdc_vas2_on 2) rdc_vas2_on=0
- Final MD and minimization with all atoms
aco_type=1 weight_vdw=2.0 minimize 50 step=0.5*timestep md steps=steps3 dt=step temperature=0.0 accuracy=aend tau=20.0 \
angdev=36000.0 vdwupdate=v nprint=100 continue
minimize minsteps
print " Structure annealed in $nint(cputime-t0) s, f = $tf."