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Synopsis: cyanafilter [option] file...

The cyanafilter shell script filters a NOESY assignment report according to a variety of criteria. Assignment information is printed for the peaks that match the given criteria. NOESY assignment reports are produced by the assign command that is used, for instance, in the combined NOESY assignment and structure calculation strategy implemented in the noeassign macro that yields NOESY assignment report files called cycle1.noa, cycle2.noa, etc. for each cycle of the calculation.

The cyanafilter command can be invoked from the Unix shell or from within CYANA. The command syntax follows Unix (not INCLAN) conventions.


 -a  list additionally assigned cross peaks
 -A  list assigned cross peaks
 -b atom list peaks with assignment possibility to given atom
 -c  list compatible peaks
 -e  list peaks with not enough quality
 -h  help
 -i  list incompatible peaks
 -k atom list peaks assigned to given atom
 -l atom list peaks assigned manually to given atom
 -L level list peaks with |i-j| = level
 -m  list manually assigned peaks
 -M  list manually not assigned peaks
 -n  list only number of peaks
 -p peaknr list peak with given number
 -P file list peak present in the given file
 -q quality  list peaks with NOE support  quality
 -Q quality  list peaks with NOE support  quality
 -r rank list peaks with manual rank = rank
 -R  list peaks with manual assignment not found
 -s  short; do not list network-anchoring details
 -S spectrum list peaks from the given spectrum
 -u  list unassigned peaks
 -v  list violated peaks
 -V viol list peaks with violation greater than viol
 file   input CYANA assignment file (.noa)

See also