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Synopsis: cyanatable [option] [prefix] [logfile]

The cyanatable shell script produces a summary table of a combined automated NOESY assignment and structure calculation run executed with the noeassign macro. Statistics on the NOESY peak assignments, the upper distance bounds, and the structure calculation are extracted from output files produced by noeassign and arranged in a table with one column for each cycle of combined automated NOESY assignment and structure calculation. The standard output from the noeassign run must have been collected in a log file called AUTO.out, CANDID.out, CALC.out, prefix.out, or logfile.

If present, the given prefix is prepended to all other input file names. If, for instance, prefix is run1, then the cyanatable script will look for files named run1cycle1.noa, run1cycle1.ovw etc. instead of the files with default file names cycle1.noa, cycle1.ovw etc.

This command can be invoked from the Unix shell or from within CYANA. The command syntax follows Unix (not INCLAN) conventions.


 -h help
 -l long, more detailed output
 -p report percentages instead of absolute values

See also