Using INCLAN variables

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In INCLAN, string variables can be used in a similar way as in a Unix shell: cyana> name:=Cyana cyana> print "My name is $name." My name is Cyana. The operator “:=” assigns a string (“Cyana”) to a variable (“name”). $variable substitutes the value of a variable into the command line. In addition, variables with numeric values can be used in expressions in the same way as in Fortran or other programming languages: cyana> x=7 cyana> y=5*x cyana> z=sqrt(y-10.0) cyana> show x y z

   x = 7
   y = 35
   z = 5.0

(The INCLAN command show displays the values of variables.) Here a different assignment sign, “=” instead of “:=”, was used. Assignments with “=” have the meaning: “Evaluate the expression on the right hand side and assign the result value to the variable on the left hand side.” Note the difference to a string assignment with “:=”: cyana> y:=5*x cyana> show y

   y = 5*x

cyana> y=5*x cyana> show y

   y = 35

Expressions formed according to the rules of Fortran-77 may contain integer, real and complex numbers, logicals (Boolean values), and character strings. Within expressions character strings must be enclosed in single quotes: cyana> s:=cyana cyana> l=lenstr(s)

      • ERROR: Illegal expression "lenstr(s)".

This is an error because the variable s does not contain a quoted string (lenstr is an INCLAN function that returns the length of a string, i. e. the index of its last non-blank character). The correct use of simple, unquoted strings in an expression is: cyana> l=lenstr('$s') cyana> show l

   l = 5

Single quotes do not inhibit variable substitutions.